An Eclectic Witch's Archives

Mundane Before Magickal


Hi! I wanted to share my notes on what I learned about witchcraft and spiritualism over the years.I began dabbling in spiritualism back in 2011 or 2012, but did not start formally practicing until 2015. I consider myself an eclectic witch.Initially, I only shared these with close friends, but I have been asked questions on how to start by various people I have met. Hopefully, this should cover the bare bones of tips for all kinds of subjects! A page of resources I have used is also provided in the References section.I hope this little gathering of writings is helpful. The site will be updated as I go and learn more along my path. It may not be perfect, as I do not know everything nor do I claim to!!I wish everyone the best in finding their own path. Blessed be! β˜₯

Astral Notes


Astral Plane / Astral Realm:1) A realm of immaterial existence, especially one posited as an ethereal or eternal counterpart to physical or bodily reality; the plane of existence immediately beyond the physical.2) It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death. It is generally believed to be populated by angels, spirits, or other immaterial beings.Astral Projection: The ability of a person's spirit to travel outside of the physical body.Backrooms: A part of the Astral Realm that is a series of spaces that are endless loops.

Basic Tips

It may be easier to astral project while meditating with eyes shut and in a darker room. You can do so by sitting up, kneeling, or lying down.Some people imagine literally pushing themselves outside of their own bodies to get started. In connecting with your astral body, you can also practice turning around to see your physical body.Be sure to cast some kind of protection on yourself while astral projecting and exploring!It is highly advised that you do NOT astral project around mirrors and that you cover them. Seriously, AVOID MIRRORS. Bad shite can happen.Journal your experiences!!

Prep for Astral Projection

Figure out what you're going there for! Going for no reason is a fast track to ending up in situations you do not want to be in.Be specific about where you want to go!! Or you will end up lost in a random location. You can ask your guides to take you where you wish to go. If you are by yourself, close your eyes and picture your body in a specific spot.USE PROTECTION!!! Some people protect their bodies by envisioning a barrier of light or a shielding bubble over them.Know yourself. Know your energy.
Be grounded so as to not lose yourself.
Do not go by yourself.
Have a guide come: Spirit guardian, deity, ancestor, angel, etc.
Observe to learn.
Do not ask too many questions.
When you are done astral projecting:
Cleanse yourself and your space!
Make sure nothing is connected to you.
Do a pendulum reading or feel out your own energy.

Why You Should Have a Guide in the Astral Plane

Avoiding the Backrooms. The "Backrooms" are part of the astral realm that are endless loops, like a bad trip with no way out. The only way to escape is usually to break a cycle or if the room decides to let you go. Guides can help you avoid these!!Guides can take you to the astral plane to teach you lessons! If you have your guide with you and you're not seen tethered to your body, chances are the journey is for a lesson to be learned.Your guides can also stop you from going to the astral plane. Usually, this is because you are not mentally or physically ready to go. This might mean that you have to do some shadow work before you go or need to be more stable.

Deific Notes

Basics: How to Find Guardian Deities

Please Note: This is not a beginner practice.You do not have to work with deities at all if you do not wish to. You can work with only one deity or multiple. They can be from one pantheon or different pantheons.Deities want to help you do better. They want to guide you to expand your perspective and can protect you.You could have specific reasons for contacting deities. Write them down and research deities that correspond with your reasonings. Then research everyone on that list.If you do not have a reason or wish to find a patron deity for general guidance to work with: ask the universe to send one to you. They will usually answer and bring someone to you. You do not have to work with them, however. It is your choice.You are going to want to get very familiar with the deities you want to work with. Look up rituals to contact them.If they contact you and do not want to work with you, do not be discouraged. This means that someone else is meant to work alongside you to better suit your needs. You can also deny working with deities in turn.To contact a deity, cast protection over yourself. Use a circle or sigil over yourself and your space.Use a pendulum and ask if you are talking to the deity you are trying to contact. Make sure you only allow the deity in your circle!! Because if you don't, you do not know who the heck you could be speaking to.
Use caution!
Deities can contact you in many ways. Examples include dreams, other people, animals, the astral plane, etc. If you are unsure, go back to your pendulum and ask!

Deity Work: Offerings

Here is a small list of offerings you can leave on your altar for deities:𓍰 Candles!
Make sure you charge these candles with your energy. You can do this by placing your hands on the top and bottom and letting the energy flow forth into them.
𓍰 Incense!𓍰 Flowers!𓍰 Singing / Playing Instruments / Dancing!𓍰 Baked Goods!
Make sure you throw the food away when it isn't good anymore.
𓍰 Sweets!𓍰 Drinks (tea, alcohol, etc.)!𓍰 Handmade Items!𓍰 Rose Water / Rain Water / Ocean Water
Charge it the same way as the candles.
𓍰 Spending time with them!
You can meditate in front of your altar or spend time out in nature. You can spend time in places or environments they frequent.
𓍰 Energy!
An easy way to send it directly.
These are just examples. There are more options! You do NOT want to offer the wrong thing to the wrong deity. They have likes and dislikes just like we do!

Deity Work: Contact Method

STUDY WHO YOU ARE TRYING TO CONTACT.This cannot be expressed enough. Figure out who and as much information about them as possible.Figure out WHY you want to contact them. Write it all down and prepare ahead of time!! Find a specific when if that will help.Eat before you contact them! It will take up a lot of energy! Be hydrated and have snacks and water.Make sure you look presentable. Wash up.Clean up your space. Clear it to prep.Have an offering ready and any needed tools!!Have protection ready. Crystals are recommended but not required. Make a protective circle with your energy via a finger or wand. Say aloud who you are allowing in and that only they are allowed in.Bring a pendulum if it will help with communication.Once you begin, introduce yourself to the entity as they enter your circle. Do NOT use your real name. Use your spirit name or a nickname to be safe.Ask them if they want to work with you.Request for them to sit with you while you meditate so you can familiarize yourself with their energy. This way you know who you are contacting so as to not get fooled by trickster spirits.When you are done, thank everyone for joining you.After that, retract all energy used during the meditation process back into your body / wand.

Divination Notes


Divination: Seeking knowledge into the future or unknown by spiritual means.Tarot Deck: 78 cards with five suits. Suits are typically the Major Arcana (22), swords, cups, pentacles, and wands.Oracle Deck: A deck of reflection to add to your spiritual practice, more free-flowing than tarot but with the same end goal of divination. There is no specific number of cards required.Tip: You can use any kind of cards for either of these decks, so long as you know the meaning of each card. You can also use whatever type of card spread you wish.Scrying: Divination using a crystal ball or other reflective surface (ex. black mirror, water, tea, etc.).Pendulum: A weight hung from a fixed point that can swing freely.Runes: Marks or letters of mysterious or magick significance, often depicted on a set of objects to be used as divination symbols.Note: I personally DO NOT CONDONE using an Ouija Board.

Favorite Card Spreads

Spread 1: Pyramidal Spread
Layout order is bottom row, middle row center 3, top card, middle row left 2, middle row right 2.

β €
|10|β €β €|9|β €β €β €β €|3|β €β €|7|β €β €|6|β €β €β €β €|11|β €β €|12||1|β €β €|2|β €β €|5|β €β €|4|
β €

Cards 1–3: Past
Persona, worked for you, worked against you.
Cards 4–6: Present
Persona, working for you, working against you.
Cards 7–8, 9–10, 11–12: Future
Three possible paths and outcomes.

Spread 2: Connection Spread
Layout order is the same as reading order.

|6| |1||572||4| |3|

Cards 1–3: Person 1's actions, thoughts, feelings.Cards 4–6: Person 2's actions, thoughts, feelings.Card 7: Connection between the two.

Spread 3: Dilemma Square Spread
Layout order is the same as reading order.

β €
|1|β €β €|2|β €β €|3|
|4|β €β €|5|β €β €|6||7|β €β €|8|β €β €|9|
β €

Cards 1–3:
Current Situation. / Obstacle. / Advice.
Cards 4–6:
What you can change.
What you cannot change.
What you may not be aware of.
Cards 7–9:
Nature of Problem. / Cause. / Solution.

Basics: Pendulums

A pendulum can be used for a LOT of readings, so only the generic bare bones will be written here.While a pendulum can technically be made out of anything, the most important thing is to make sure it has a bit of weight to provide a balanced swing. One that is too light will be flighty in motion, and one that is too heavy will barely move at all.The other important thing is to have an even shape that will not throw off the central balance of the pendulum. That is why most pendulums are points or evenly rounded shapes.Let your intuition guide you in picking a pendulum. You can even have multiple.Once you have a pendulum and it is charged with your energy, you have to learn how it will answer in movements.Sit down and suspend your pendulum from a balanced length of thread, cord, or chain and ask the following:"Show me Yes."
"Show me No."
"Show me Neutral."
"Show me Unknown."
(or "Show me Wrong Question.")
Take note of which movement means which. Practice this multiple times until you have a solid understanding of them.After that, ask some basic questions to prove that it is working properly. Ask one you know the answer is "yes" to, and one you know the answer is "no" to.Once those basics are down, you can ask questions from there. However, they MUST be yes or no questions if a pendulum is being used on its own. And do NOT fog your mind with preconceived notions because it will mess with its balance.When not just asking yes or no questions, you can create a circle chart in regards to asking a pendulum for specific choices or hold it over a spread of cards if you also practice with those. Be sure to ask your pendulum if these things should be used for your purpose before using them.

Basics: Runes

Runes can be made of any small material, but the most common ones are made of stone, wood, bone, or shells. Just be sure that they are evenly sized and weighted. You can buy a set or make your own, so long as you bond with whatever set you so choose.There are multiple ways of casting runes:𓍰 Hold the runes in your hands. Drop them onto a cloth or soft surface. Going clockwise, take the runes facing up and line them up in order to read. You can dump them from a bag for the same effect.𓍰 Pull a single rune from a bag to read.𓍰 Pull three runes from a bag for
past / present / future.
Make sure you have the rune symbol meanings written down before you begin your casting. Charge your runes with energy and cleanse them before using them.Please Note: Your runes do not have to be the traditional witch symbols nor the traditional Futhark runes. Those are indeed the most common but are not for everyone. Feel free to research other types of runes to pick the right set for you.

Energy Notes

Anecdote: Grounding and Protection

It is very important to protect your own energy when going about any and all aspects of spiritualism and witchcraft! Always cast protection around yourself and your space!!While you do not have to necessarily close yourself or your aura off completely, it is essential that you learn how to remain grounded so as to not be dragged down by negative energies or forces. Know yourself, and know your power.

Basics: Auras

Although many people stick to reading the surface, there tend to be multiple layers to a person’s aura:Outer Layer: The Surface.
How one presents themselves to the world.
Middle Layer: The Median.
How one is perceived by those closest to them.
Inner Layer: The Core.
One’s true intent is usually not shown outwardly.
While I personally read auras in energy colors, there are other ways some people interpret auras. Some examples include temperature shifts, sound frequency, vibrations, etc.

Basics: Energy Manipulation I

Think about where you wish to pull the source of energy from. Pick a single focal point.Within: Personally, I find that the easiest place to draw from is your core. Focusing on that power, you can direct it to your hands.Around You: Be careful to not draw in from your environment if it’s too negative! Make sure the vicinity around you is safe to draw from. Take only what you need, or change what you take into what you need by mixing in some of your own energy.Objects: This is better if it is an object you own! Take the object into your hands and visualize the energy stored within it seeping through the surface and transferring through your touch into you. It is best to use more personal items or things you have on at any time, like jewelry. Don’t do this to another person’s things without permission!Do NOT take energy without consent!!

Basics: Energy Manipulation II

You have energy. What would you like to do now?Store: You can store the energy gathered either within yourself or within objects you own. Holding it within yourself is a matter of returning it to your core, just be sure not to take in too much! If you wish to place it in an object, it is the opposite process to taking energy from one. On top of that, you lock that energy in place within the object, so that you may add or take away from it at anytime.Release: If you need to get rid of excess energy or energy that is not good for you, there are ways to do so. Placing a hand on the ground and returning it to the earth is an example of a safe method.Give: You can give energy offerings to your guardian deities or other beings you work with at your altar.Note: These are methods from personal experience. They may not work for everyone, and people may have preferences.

Inner Work Notes


Shadow Work: Bringing to light all subconscious aspects of oneself and incorporating them into this life instead of avoiding them.Archetype: An inherited unconscious idea, the pattern of thought, image, etc. One way or another, it is universally present in individuals.Enlightenment: The action or state of attaining / having attained spiritual knowledge or insight.

Anecdote: Enlightenment / Spiritual Awakening

When people talk about spiritual awakening and becoming enlightened, they tend to only talk about the aspects of freedom, awareness, knowledge, etc. It is made out to be something that is completely euphoric... when it is not. If anything, it can be very existential and lonely, especially when it might be difficult to share the things that you are going through when those around you do not understand it. It is only after that period of distress will there be catharsis.When you go through an awakening, everything that is toxic to you or no longer serves a purpose in your life will be taken away from you by the universe. This can include objects, friends, s/o's, etc. The universe will put you through what is essentially complete toxicity cleanse, and this experience can be very stressful!Also, you can have more than one spiritual awakening. Each one is the next step on your journey.Do not be afraid of asking your guides, angels, ancestors, deities, etc. for help if you are having trouble getting through it on your own.

Anecdote: Shadow Work & Importance

The essence of Shadow Work, as a spiritual and psychological concept, is taking the unconsciously suppressed / repressed aspects of yourself and bringing them to the surface. These traits can be both positive and negative. It is to take all parts of yourself, and to both face and integrate them into your life to gain that heightened awareness / "spiritual awakening" / enlightened sense of self. It is a lifelong process, and one not to be avoided.It is believed that all aspects of the self fall under certain archetypes. An extensive list has been provided through the button below!

Basics: Shadow Work Process

Identify: Identify these elements of your personality.Accept: Accept these aspects of yourself. Own them. Acknowledge their purpose and value.Love: Bring love and compassion to them. Forgive. Bring them to light and welcome them back to you.Embody: Consciously embody and leverage them for your personal growth and development.Integrate: See the value of these parts of yourself in every area of your life.

Methods of Processing

Meditation: Delving inward and asking things like:𓍰 Who are you?
𓍰 Why are you here?
𓍰 What do you want from me?
𓍰 What do you need me to see?
𓍰 Who do you think I am?
𓍰 What makes me "me"?
Art: Use any medium that suits you to provide visual referencing. Piecing together things that resonate with you and your inner world.Journaling: Keeping notes or writing inner dialogue on this adventure can help with keeping track of your own progress and self-awareness.

Archetypes Notes

𓍰 A 𓍰

Accountant, Achiever, Addict, Addicted Lover, Adonis, Adventurer, Advocate, Alchemist, Amateur, Amazon, Ambassador, Analyst, Anarchist, Anchorite, Angel, Anima, Animus, Apprentice, Arbitrator, Architect, Artisan, Artist, Athlete, Attila, Attorney, Author, Avenger, Avenging Angel

𓍰 B 𓍰

Beggar, Black Widow, Bon Vivant, Boss, Builder, Bully, Burglar

𓍰 C 𓍰

Caregiver, Casanova, Celibate, Challenger, Champion, Chef, Chief, Child, Circe, Clown, Communicator, Companion, Con Artist, Consort, Consumer, Copyist, Counselor, Courier, Court Jester, Coward, Craftsperson, Creator, Crime Fighter, Critic, Crone

𓍰 D 𓍰

Damsel, Dark Lord, Defender, Derelict, Destroyer, Detached Manipulator, Detective, Devotee, Devouring Mother, Dictator, Dilettante, Diplomat, Disciple, Divine Child, Don Juan, Double Agent, Dreamer, Drunk, Dummling, Dummy

𓍰 E 𓍰

Earth Mother, Emperor, Empress, Enchantress, Engineer, Enthusiast, Entertainer, Environmentalist, Epicure, Escort, Eternal Child, Evangelist, Everyman, Examiner, Exorcist, Explorer

𓍰 F 𓍰

Fairy Godmother, Father, Femme Fatale, Flirt, Follower, Fool, Friend

𓍰 G 𓍰

Gambler, Gigolo, Giver, Glutton, Go-Between, God, Goddess, Godfather, Gossip, Gourmand, Gourmet, Grandstander Bully, Guide, Gunslinger, Guru

𓍰 H 𓍰

Hag, Healer, Hedonist, Helper, Herald, Hermit, Hero, Heroine, High Chair Tyrant, Huntress

𓍰 I 𓍰

Ice Queen, Idiot, Impotent Lover, Indentured Servant, Indigent, Individualist, Innocent, Innocent Child, "Innocent One", Innovator, Instructor, Intellectual, Intuitive Healer, Inventor

𓍰 J 𓍰

Jester, Journalist, Judge

𓍰 K 𓍰

Killer, King, Knight

𓍰 L 𓍰

Leader, Legislator, Liberator, Lobbyist, Loner, Loser, Lover, Loyalist

𓍰 M 𓍰

Mad Scientist, Magical Child, Magician, Maiden, Martyr, Masochist, Master, Matriarch, Mediator, Meditator, Mentor, Mercenary, Messenger, Messiah, Midas, Minister, Minstrel, Miser, Momma’s Boy, Monk, Monster, Mother, Mother Nature, Muse, Mystic

𓍰 N 𓍰

Narrator, Nature Child, Nerd, Networker, Ninja, Nomad, Nonconformist, Novice, Nun, Nurse

𓍰 O 𓍰

Observer, Oedipal Child, Olympian, Orphan, Orphan Child, Outcast, Outlaw

𓍰 P 𓍰

Patriarch, Peacemaker, Perfect Mother, Perfectionist, Performer, Persona, Philosopher, Pickpocket, Pilgrim, Pioneer, Pirate, Poet, Preacher, Precocious Child, Priest, Priestess, Prince, Princess, Private Investigator, Profane Prostitute, Profiler, Progenitor, Prophet, Prostitute, Protector, Protester, Provocateur, Psychopath, Puck

𓍰 Q 𓍰


𓍰 R 𓍰

Rabbi, Rebel, Redeemer, Reformer, Renunciate, Rescuer, Revolutionary, Right Arm, Robin Hood, Romantic, Ruler

𓍰 S 𓍰

Saboteur, Sacred Prostitute, Sadist, Sage, Samaritan, Samurai, Savior, Scapegoat, Scavenger, Schemer, Scientist, Scribe, Sculptor, Secretary, Seducer, Seductress, Seeker, Seer, The Self, Serial Killer, Serpent, Servant, Settler, Sex Addict, Shadow, Shadow Mother, Shadow Witch, Shaman, Shape-shifter, Sherlock Holmes, Sidekick, Siren, Skeptic, Slave, Sleuth, Snoop, Sociopath, Soldier, Soldier of Fortune, Sorcerer, Spellcaster, Spiritual Master, Spoiler, Spy, Stepmother, Storyteller, Student, Succubus, Swindler, Sybarite

𓍰 T 𓍰

Teacher, Temptress, Therapist, Thief, Tomboy, Trickster, Tyrant, Tutor

𓍰 V 𓍰

Vagabond, Vampire, Victim, Villain, Virgin, Visionary

𓍰 W 𓍰

Wanderer, Warrior, Weakling, Weakling Prince, Weaver, Werewolf, Wise Old Man, Wise Woman, Witch, Wizard, Workaholic, Working Mother, Wounded Child, Wounded Healer

𓍰 Z 𓍰


Magick Notes

Basic Tips

Focus on your intent! If you don’t have that honed in, then any kind of magick casting will be more difficult to focus on.Make sure to always cast some kind of protection over yourself when going about any practice!!Research what you need for what you are trying to cast. Use intuition and what tools you deem necessary. Every practitioner has a different routine.If you’re intending to use certain symbols or sigils in magick work, do your research! Or make your own. The same goes for alphabet and language preferences.Make sure to cleanse your equipment and space both before and after your casting.Be aware of karma! Remember that any energy you put out into the universe comes back at you, whether to reward or to punish. Use it responsibly.

Basics: Cleansing

Open windows when cleansing your space! This way it's not just circulating the same energy.You do not have to use smoke to cleanse! There are many ways to go about cleansing.Here is a small list of methods:𓍰 Using essential oils in a diffuser.
You do not need more than a few drops!
Note: Some essential oils are toxic to pets. Please do your research on what may or may not be safe to use!
𓍰 Using sounds, such as a singing bowl or chimes.𓍰 Using regular or black salt at your door frames and windows.
Some people combine it with eggshells.
𓍰 Using a rainwater spray bottle to mist cleanse.𓍰 Using incense.𓍰 Using astral projection to cleanse your space with your own energy. This is a bit more difficult.Keep up to date with cleansing your space!!Know the properties of what you are using, as different methods will impact how energy is taken from your space! Some methods wipe all energy out as a clean slate.

Materials Notes

Basics: Book of Shadows

First off, a Book of Shadows is usually more personal than a Grimoire, as the former is for all kinds of practitioner entries, while the latter is more structured for things such as spellwork.However, I have seen both terms used interchangeably, so feel free to refer to your book however you wish to.Your book can be made however you want! You can make it on your own or commission one. It can be composition notebook journal or a leather bound book or etc.It can even be digital! Notion is the app I use for a digital Book of Shadows, to have alongside a physical one.You can have more than one if you feel it is best to put certain journaling practices in their own books.Do not be afraid to mess up. You can always tear out or paint over or X out a page that is not to your liking (though I personally prefer to use the latter two methods and not tear book pages).You can write whatever you want in your Book of Shadows!! Do not be afraid to be creative with it. It's your magical journal.When you get your book, bond with it.You can do this by carrying it on your person, having it under your pillow, or even writing a personal spell / mantra / sigil on the first page as a warning of caution for those who try to read it. Essentially, fill it with your energy and move to keep out entities that you do not want to read your book.

Basics: Herbs, Oils, Candles, & Crystals

While there are some guides as to what types of herbs or oils to use for smoke cleansing, at the end of the day it is all up to the individual and intent.Smoke cleanse with whatever you feel most comfortable with (ex. sage, thyme, palo santo, etc). Look up various uses for different ones.The same can be said about candles. Some people use specifically colored spell candles for certain intents, but these can overlap.Some oils and herbs are toxic for pets!
Please research and use caution!!
Use your intuition when picking out crystals! If a crystal calls to you and won't let you put it down, then maybe it is one for you.Some crystals have universal uses, such as hematite for grounding, clear quartz for amplification, and selenite for charging.If you are unsure, research!
Perhaps your findings may be interesting.
A Simple Empath Set:
Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Malachite.
Optional: Add Clear Quartz and Hematite.

Basics: Wands

Wands are not mandatory!
They are mainly used for directing energy. Anything energy wise, a wand can be used for.
A wand can be made out of anything!
You can make it yourself or buy / commission one. Use whatever you are most comfortable with.
...If you want a wand from a tree, ask the tree first!Always ask nature if you can take something beforehand!! And always thank nature for letting you take materials if you are given permission to do so!If you cannot sense a yes or no, you can ask via pendulum reading.If you forget to thank that place in nature, you can meditate on your thanks if you cannot physically go back to that location.ALWAYS cleanse your wands before you use them. This applies to any magick tools you use.If you want to retire a wand, return it to the earth if it is biodegradable or respectfully discard it. Be sure to thank it for its service and remove the energy that is within it beforehand.

Misc. Notes


This list is subject to change at any time.Power Animals: Spirit guides in animal form, who can both represent your growth and help navigate through life’s challenges and transitions.Familiar: A conscious entity that can physically embody any animal, and will assist witches in their practice of magick. A witch can have more than one. Some familiars are short term, others can be long term. It all depends on a practitioner's path and what guidance they have to give. Keep in mind that they are spiritually independent.Lucid Dreaming: A type of dreaming in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. The dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.Thoughtform: A manifestation of the consciousness of an individual or group.Tulpa (New Age): A being created through spiritual or mental powers. By emanation or manifestation, practitioners refer to the entities as a type of willed "imaginary friend" that practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively autonomous.The problem also lies in this "practice" being cultural appropriation of Vajrayana / Tibetan Buddhism.I PERSONALLY DO NOT CONDONE NEW AGE "TULPAMANCY". It can be dangerous. I advise caution when dealing with those playing around with tulpas or thoughtforms.

Anecdote: Awareness

One important thing I learned is that a HUGE part of following your own path is exploring ALL aspects of the craft and questioning them.Do not let anyone tell you that you must only follow a path of "light", "order", "holiness", "righteousness", etc.Let yourself question the "darker" and more "chaotic" parts of magick. It doesn't mean you have to utilize them!Darkness is not synonymous with "evil", just as light is not synonymous with "good".Those who preach to only follow one side of the balance between these forces cling to platitudes that will not instate any real transformation, truth, nor deeper understanding.Let no one stop you from responsibly finding your way.
Do not let them hold you back.

Red Flags: Signs of Faux Power & Scammers

Be on your guard and avoid practitioners who:𓍰 Claim to be some kind of higher power (ex. royalty, demi-god, deity, incarnate, avatar, etc.).𓍰 Claim to be any of the "Omni" words:
Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent.
𓍰 Claim that you do not need to do research.𓍰 Attempt to make you rely on ONLY them for "research".𓍰 Claim you as a special "chosen one", "messiah", "royalty", "divinity", "one to follow them", etc.𓍰 Claim that your spirit guide(s) chose them for you.𓍰 Make it out as if they are always right. No one is!𓍰 Get angry or upset that you question their methods, words, experiences, etc. or see it as some kind of act of betrayal.𓍰 Prevent you from questioning anything they say or do.𓍰 Try to enforce some kind of power hierarchy.𓍰 Treat you as a follower and not as an equal, or just don't hold you to a mutual respect.𓍰 Get upset or jealous that you seek out other opinions, conduct your own research, or learn from anyone besides them.𓍰 Try to isolate you from family / friends and portray themselves as the only "all-knowing" voice of reason.𓍰 Claim that you must follow them and only them to gain understanding.𓍰 Severely pushing onto you to partake in substance abuse in order to "ascend" or reach some other plane.
(Some use drugs in witchcraft; to each their own.)
𓍰 Try to take you away into some kind of "commune" or cult.𓍰 Claim that you need to spend money to break curses or use any kind of fear mongering to get you to spend money.𓍰 Those who are obsessive over casting things into the universe without any regard for karma. The universe will fire back unto you what you put out into it.𓍰 Claim to shift / transport into other realities, especially fictional ones. "Reality Shifting" is NOT REAL, and is usually a case of either maladaptive daydreaming or lucid dreaming.𓍰 Practice "New Age" Tulpamancy. Fooling around with tulpas and / or thoughtforms is highly inadvisable.𓍰 Claim to know quantum physics as magick. It's not. And if you can't do math, you can't do quantum physics.


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